If Tea Partiers really care about "the future of our children", why do they want to fire their teachers now?
If Tea Partiers really want to reduce unemployment, why are they turning down federal funds for high speed rail projects that would create jobs and put people back to work? If Tea Partiers are really about "We The People", why does it seem like they are backed by and jump to the tune of "Us The Corporations"? If Tea Partiers are opposed to "Obamacare". why do they want to make sure so many uninsured Americans wind up with "Nobodycares"? It Tea Partiers really think that they are a populist movement of everyday working people, why do they oppose unions and support "right to work" laws that create third world states with businesses that offer jobs paying just above minimum wage? Speaking of that, why do they oppose minimum wage laws? If Tea Partiers are really "patriots", why do they support "free" trade policies that offshore American manufacturing to China, give away American jobs and give Chinese manufacturers OUR trade secrets? Solidarity, my Union brothers and Sisters!
I want this to serve as a reminder to ANY person, Tea Partier or otherwise who opposes unions that union members are America's last remaining True patriots. Now I know that the Tea Partiers call themselves "patriots" but they actually support policies that allow and encourage corporations to outsource manufacturing and jobs to places like China and India. When American corporations outsource jobs to China they are transferring American technology and trade secrets to China. Need I remind you Tea Party "patriots" that China is a Communist country!
When our corporations offshore our jobs, we lose high paying private sector jobs, the kind of jobs that made the American dream possible and allowed our parents to put a comfortable middle class roof over our heads. Those jobs paid wages that were much higher that the salary of a government worker and usually had decent benefits! The proud unionized American employees who held those jobs were taxpayers who contributed to the American tax base. Need I remind everyone that both the Republicans and the Democrats support "free" trade agreements that send our jobs overseas because the same corporate lobbyists control BOTH parties. The Tea Party has a "free" market, hands off corporations mentality that also makes job offshoring possible. Unions are the last remaining defenders of American jobs and the American dream! These days, government workers generally make lower salaries than their counterparts in private industry but have better benefits due to all of the corporate conniving that goes on in the private sector. Government workers pay taxes, buy food, homes, appliances, cars, etc. which helps our economy. When a Tea Party politician advocates eliminating a government employee's job they are hurting local and American businesses by wiping out that employee's purchasing power. They have also lost another taxpayer and put him on the unemployment rolls. That same Tea Party politician will then whine that the government has to cut unemployment. In closing, If you work for a living and advocate eliminating the jobs and right to collective bargaining of government employees, you are hurting their families and your community. What would happen to your family and lifestyle if you lost YOUR job? If you feel that they make too much money or have better benefits, don't envy them, unionize YOUR workplace! Have you ever wondered why our electeds always seem to pass legislation that protects corporate interests at our expense? To wonder no more, just visit my Listen Here! page.
The President likes to give the impression that he is actually doing something about the unemployment problem by touting exporting and "green" jobs as the panacea that will breathe life into our economy and put people back to work. I feel that he is being disingenuous at best when he expects us to believe that those economic band aids are going to make up for the thirty year hemmorhage of jobs caused by the corporate offshoring of manufacturing and white collar jobs to places like China and India. I suppose that he wants working people to be grateful to him for pushing yet another job killing "free" trade agreement that will supposedly increase our exports and create a few measly jobs in comparison to the vast job loss caused by offshoring. Would you be grateful if someone robs your house and decides to return an item or two? I suppose there are a few Opologists that think that I'm being an ingrate by not thanking the President for thinking of us and working so hard to increase our exports. I'll let the corporations that are going to increase their bottom lines by simultaneously exporting and offshoring thank him becaues he's really working for them, not us. For those of you that are not Opologists, your assignment is to start Googling to get a better picture as to who the bulk of Obama's advisors on job creation actually are. I could name them but it will make a stronger point if you discover them and their connections for yourself. President Obama's appointment of GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt to chair the newly renamed Council on Jobs and Competitiveness should speak volumes to working people. To hear what I have to say about it visit my Listen Here! page.
Our "two" party system offers the same endless cycle of promise now, disappoint later every campaign season. Make grandiose promises during campaign season and use the other party as a convenient scapegoat when your corporate backers call in their chips later. The severity of the disappointment is a function of which party is in charge at a particular point in time. I'm going to discuss the Democratic Party because, I'm a union person and because we have a "two" party system that consists of the Pro-Corporate rich man's Party and the Almost Pro-Corporate middle class Party. Unions, at the top levels tend to give the Democrats unconditional and many times undeserved love.
The Democratic Party presents itself as a middle class/poor person's alternative to the clearly pro corporate, pro wealthy Republican Party. The Republicans try to get middle class support by wrapping themselves in a protective shield of patriotism and use their secret weapons distortion, implication and innuendo quite successfully. The Democrats play the role of the middle class and poor person's protector and benefactor with some success. In other words, good cop/bad cop. History repeats itself and subjects us to enough good cop/bad cop cycles to make us think that we are part of a prime time police series. The current "no drama" administration seems to have brought brought the good cop game to a grand crescendo. During campaign season, the President promised his supporters, people who were pummeled by eight years of Bush baloney "change". Over time, almost all of his campaign promises were compromised into oblivion. The initial excuse being that he's "everyone's President" and wants to extend the hand of bipartisan friendship to the other side. As the first year progressed, the blue dogs sided with the Republicans and created another reason why he couldn't deliver a full measure of change. Now that his luke-warm advocacy of many issues that were important to a dedicated, core part of his base alienated them to the point of not voting, a loss of Congressional seats gives him the excuse to go beyond compromise, all the way to capitulation. Ask yourself these questions: 1-Since the same corporate lobbyists influence BOTH parties. Do I want to have this endless game of pretend finger pointing and faux political stalemates continue and affect future generations? 2- Do I feel that my party is Democratic in name only? 3- Since the Republicans always seem to defend corporate interests, and the Democrats seem to be indifferent. Wouldn't a bonafide, unified, Labor Party better represent my interests as a working person? If your answer to the above questions is "YES", start a dialog at your union local. We have to grow our OWN candidates and political party NOW, so we can break the cycle of disappointment and secure our children's future! SOLIDARITY! Recent statistics say that union membership in all of the employment sectors is down to 12% in the United States. Those numbers are dangerously low and, if they get smaller, could force unions into extinction or weaken a union's bargaining power. If you are fortunate enough to be a union member, you should consider yourself blessed.
As union people, we have to share our good fortune by Sharing The Solidarity! I am trying to start a grassroots organization that will help unions grow and be a real union person's alternative to the Tea Party. I have a number of interesting ideas and invite you to join me. I am going to set up a conference call so we can toss some ideas around. Stay tuned here for more details or contact me using the contact form on this web site. Happy Labor Day! Solidarity! On this Labor Day weekend, in the midst of the highest unemployment levels since the great depression, record amounts of underemployment and corporations that use invidious hiring standards like pre-employment credit checks that make the hiring process seem like a reality show, we have to take stock and determine the real causes of our problems then fix them. We have to ask ourselves several questions: How could conservatives and the Tea Party, with corporate financial backing brainwash working people into going against their own best interests and oppose a national health care plan? How could they get working people to support politicians that are in favor of globalization and "free" trade when that is the real cause of our current unemployment problems? How can working people be conned into thinking that unions are a bad thing? Their weapon of mass disinformation is - - P A T R I O T I S M!
The conservative/Republican/Tea Party brand of patriotism usually involves the invocation of a few chants of "family values" plus some references to God and our founding fathers. They throw in some innuendos that being pro-health care reform is "socialist", union people are "thugs" and that the unemployed who collect unemployment insurance are living off the rest of us. To top it off, they say that retired people who collect their Social Security benefits are sapping the life blood of future generations. For people who profess their "patriotism", they support some decidedly unpatriotic things like globalization and "free" trade agreements which have decimated our country's manufacturing capabilities, sent countless jobs overseas and have built up the manufacturing capabilities of China. The last time I looked, China was a Communist country. How is it patriotic to encourage manufacturing and create jobs over there when it causes reduced manufacturing capabilities and unemployment here? What kind of "family values" starve families out by opposing Unemployment Insurance payments and abuse retirees by trying to reduce Social Security payments, privatize it or raise the retirement age? The answer of course is UN-AMERICAN, AMORAL and UNETHICAL, corporate family values, because corporate cash finances that brand of "patriotism". We ask ordinary American citizens to do some extraordinary things for our country. We ask our brave military personnel, our sons and daughters to give up their lives under the most horrifying circumstances, if need be. As Americans, we expect American corporations to do THEIR patriotic duty by bringing manufacturing back to the USA. We also ask them to stop using their cash to finance sock puppet special interest groups who buy propaganda ads that interfere with our electoral process. One last thing, we insist that they stop buying our elected officials via their lobbyists. Happy labor day! Solidarity Forever! First there was Ronald Reagan's war on unions and support of "free" trade, then there was Bill Clinton's support of globalization and "free" trade agreements like NAFTA. Now, coming in the guise of a solution to our unemployment problem is the next big thing in the systematic destruction of the American dream - E X P O R T I N G !
Some politicians are finally waking up to the fact that, in order to survive as a first world nation, we need to begin to rebuild our manufacturing capabilities. We have a lopsided balance of payments with China and other nations because we rely on them to do our manufacturing for us. American corporations offshore their products because they can get low cost labor in other countries but usually charge almost the same amount of money they would have charged for their products if they were made here by employees who are paid a living wage. Translation, they are profiteering and doing so on the backs of people who, in some cases only make a few dollars a month. The solution to the problem is obvious to anyone but the politicians of both parties: 1- Eliminate ALL tax breaks for corporations who offshore their manufacturing. 2- Reinstate tariffs on most imported products. 3- Inform U.S. corporations that any product that they manufacture overseas is considered an imported product, even if they own the foreign factories and is subject to the above tariffs. 4- Unionize everything! That's the right way to do it, here's the wrong way: The buzz from some politicians, even our President is about bringing back manufacturing by exporting products. On the surface, that sounds like a great way to fix our trade defecit and create "jobs", it isn't. When a corporation exports a product, it is going into direct competition with foreign corporations that pay their employees much lower wages than even our minimum wage. Guess what our corporations will demand from their employees? Goodbye - middle class, hello - underclass! Yes, there's a right way to do things and a wrong way. We can restore prosperity to our country by being our own best customers or we can continue on a self destructive road of greed that will only lead to more despair and poverty, the choice is ours. We have to let our politicians know that this is a "we'll remember in November" issue. We must do that before "the land of opportunity" is removed from the American lexicon forever! You are wonderful listeners, who are a joy to tweet with on Twitter and never cease to amaze me. Could you please do me a favor and pass the following message along to any of your friends, acquaintances or associates who actually support and believe the nonsense that the Tea Party and Republicans have been spewing about the Healthcare bill.
Ok, here goes: Listen-up sport!!! Let me explain a few basic concepts to you, because no one has had any luck getting them past your 30 sec. sound bite attention span. First of all, even though I have no connection with them, on behalf of America's insurance corporations, I want to thank you for following the commands of your favorite conservative radio talk show hosts and cable network. All of the hours that you spent waving your misspelled protest signs and shouting profanities and racial insults at the top of your lungs weren't in vain, they helped them increase their profits. They also want you to know, that ALL they are going to give you for that is a quick thanks and want me to remind you that should you have a pre-existing condition, it's still your tough luck and you can expect your premiums to go up like everyone else's. By the way, don't expect them to lower YOUR rates, that would be Socialism. Don't forget that this is America and they are in business to make a profit. You wouldn't want to deny them that, would you? You would then be considered to be a Progressive/Socialist/Lefty, like anyone who believes that you should not deny healthcare to people who can't afford it. Keep up the good work and the insurance company CEO's will let you wave as you drive past their mansions. America's corporations also asked me to tell those of you who are anti-union and still think that you are part of the "middle class" to get back to work, those burgers and fries aren't going to cook themselves. |
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017