I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of a certain conservative talk show host's rambling blackboard political lectures. To join me as I demonstrate the proper use of a blackboard, visit my Listen Here! page.
Republicans are always accusing Democrats of raising taxes. Those accusations are deceptive in that they make middle class people think that they're going to get a tax increase tomorrow morning. The reality is that the tax increases are aimed at the wealthy top percentile earners otherwise known as the top 5% or top 1% depending on what you read. When members of the GOP gripe about taxes, the real translation usually is: Oh no, those no good Dems. have closed some tax loopholes and some of our pet corporations will actually have to pay taxes.
When corporations don't pay their fair share of the tax burden, guess who is left holding the bag? Yep, it's us, the poor working stiffs, otherwise known as "we the people". The real double secret taxes aren't taxes at all, they are all of those nasty a little bit here and a little bit there fees that we wind up paying on our debts, our banking and many other things as diverse as high fees on our cable TV bills and nuisance fees on airline tickets. What they have in common is the deregulation that most Republicans love made them possible. I don't know about you, but I would rather be taxed by my government knowing that some of the money is going to be used for the good of all. I don't want my money siphoned away by usurious interest rates, nuisance fees or any other sleezy corporate contrivance that goes unchecked because a particular political idealogy favors corporations over people. That's truly taxation without representation. Over the past few days, I decided to give a listen to the right-wing radio talkers to get a heads-up on what the teabaggers will be screaming about next. I will not even dignify some of their sick and offensive audio screeds by repeating them here.
One thing I will say is if the truth shall set you free, they are keeping their listeners in solitary! That's the beauty of The Jack Wade show, I get the headaches so you don't have to. If you carefully analyze the past few years, you will notice that the broadcast media has an undue influence over everything from the spawning of a new "movement" to who gets elected. Do you thing the fact that almost all large broadcast operations are owned by major corporations matters? What's all this talk about the Fairness Doctrine? To find out, visit my Listen Here! page.
The Stench Usually Comes From The Mouth.
In this case, the head I'm referring to is the real power behind our government, our corporations. The mouth is none other than our beloved conservative radio talk show hosts, with a little help from much of the broadcast news media. I look at it this way, our corporations have armies of lobbyists that get our elected officials to do their bidding. That leaves the corporations with one difficulty, we vote those same elected officials into and out of office hopefully based on how they handle issues that are important to us. The corporations know that they can always rely on the media, also run by major corporations to help them sway the ignorant masses out there, otherwise known as ordinary people like you and yours truly. They know that, since they buy most of the advertising on the broadcast media, they will probably be handled favorably in the newscasts. Once in a while, into each corporation's life, a little rain must fall. For the health insurance corporations, that rain took the form of healthcare legislation. “Lucky” thing for the insurance industry that conservative radio talk show hosts “decided” to fight for their cause. If there was a corporate medal for services above and beyond the call of duty, a number of those talk jocks would be wearing them on their fast food stained radio station tee shirts. Those conservative talkers did nothing less that help to create a pseudo-populist movement, fondly referred to as the teabaggers, those delusional people who were actually brainwashed by the previously mentioned talk loudmouths into believing that protecting the interests of America's health insurance companies is the patriotic thing to do. Their toxic teabag talk has, in some cases, caused the less hinged of their audience to get worked up to the point of violence. So there you have it, our country is under the control of a corporate two-headed hydra: One head controls our elected officials with it's lobbyists, nothing like a few bucks to smooth things out. The second head controls the voter with misinformation and fear. The cure for the problem is to bring back the Fairness Doctrine* for starters. We have to re-regulate the broadcast media to wrest it from it's current corporate de facto monopolistic state. I will be discussing that and more on my next show, until then, keep the faith. *The Fairness doctrine stated that broadcasters were obligated to provide equal time on controversial issues. That would effectively restore our media to being the free and open market place of ideas it once was. Some people say that corporate lobbyists have more influence on our elected representatives than we do. That's because, our votes whisper and their money shouts. What do you think? I decided to go over the events of the past year and a third with a fine tooth comb. The result of that exercise is that I am now in a bad mood. You can humor me by visiting my Listen Here! page.
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017