What? You say that you've never heard of the “Two” Party Two-Step? Well you are in luck because I'm going to put my dance instructor's hat on and we are going to spend a little time tripping the light fantastic together. Yes, that means that I am going to teach you the easy to learn, hard to forget steps to this deceptive political dance. Alrighty then, just put on your dancing shoes and let's go. Just stand in the middle of this room and we're ready to go. This dance has a caller just like a square dance and all you have to do is to listen to him and do exactly what he says. Here he goes now: “Ya take two steps to the right and a small step to the left, Two steps to the right and a very small one to the left, - - SLAM!! Oops, it looks like we just hit the right wall of the room and can go no further. Holy mackerel, we have gone so far to the right that we are pinned to the wall with nowhere else to go! Let's take it step by step taking a look at the way we danced in slow motion to see how we got here. Ya take two steps to the right (Ronald Reagan who actually took us way to the right, George H.W. Bush and a little one to the left (Bill Clinton, even though he's really a Democrat with mini Republican ideals). Two steps to the right (George Bush took both steps and then some himself) and a little one to the left (Barack Obama squandered his potential with intentional compromise with the GOP). By now I think that you are getting the picture and hopefully, see a pattern there. The post LBJ crop of Democratic presidents, especially the last two didn't or never intended to offset the damage to ordinary, non- wealthy Americans that was done by the preceding Republican administrations. I like to say that Bill Clinton did more to enable and advance the future GOP agenda than most Republican presidents and Barack Obama, a man who has appointed a multitude of CEO's and Wall Streeters as “advisors” always seems to make soaring speeches that promise everything, but lead to watered down legislation that benefits the wealthy far more than it benefits ordinary Americans. At this point, you are saying, “How can I change things? What can I do?” The answer to that is to use the analogy of buying a car. If you bought a car from a manufacturer that has, over the years given you lemons that caused you nothing but problems, you'd be looking for a different car manufacturer. Selecting a president is a far more important a decision than your next car because that selection can affect every aspect of your present and future life. You owe it to yourself to find or help your fellow Americans form a third party that looks out for ordinary Americans, not corporations, big banks and Wall Street. America, it's time for a new set of wheels and to learn some new dance steps!
Americans and American families are the cells that make up the living, breathing body that we call The United States Of America. Commentators like yours truly are the amateur physicians of politics who give the body politic of the U.S.A. its annual and many times daily physical. My political diagnosis is that the United States Of America is afflicted with toxic big lie syndrome with complications of denial and indifference, which were brought on by a mass infection of corporate unfriendly bacteria. The commonly used over the counter temporary pain reliever for this malady is sold under the brand name of Idiotic Mainstream Media Programming which only provides symptomatic relief and has severe side effects like mass ignorance, a false sense of well being, political amnesia and ultimately a loss of freedom. Since I didn't take the Hypocritic Oath that was given to many of my mainstream media brethren by the one percent, it is my duty as an amateur physician of politics to prescribe my cure for the previously mentioned mass illness. Prescription #1: Special Home Litmus Test – How does it affect me and my family? Whenever you see an elected official or a politician running for office or a mainstream media commentator promoting or attacking a proposed law, existing law or issue, ignore any patriotic rants, partisan blathering or appeals to your personal fears or biases and ask yourself this question. How does it affect me and my family? Since what's good for the American family is good for the nation, that one question is very powerful and will put America on the road to recovery. Prescription #2: End Job offshoring! Job offshoring is toxic to American working families and to the future of America! It allows greedy corporations to shop the globe for slave labor to assemble what used to be American products, displacing American workers who can't work for third world wages. The side effect of job offshoring is that it depresses the wages of people working in every sector of our economy by causing a glut of displaced labor. The corporate owned electeds of both parties have supported lowering trade tariffs and have promoted, passed, signed and are still attempting to sign “free” trade agreements that enable job offshoring! They are undermining the American way of life and should be replaced with labor friendly, family friendly electeds who put America's future before the profits of their corporate contributors. Prescription #3: Cut war spending by ending frivolous and costly wars! Our corporate owned electeds seem to jump to the tune called by the military/industrial complex, instead of the other way around. Bush used 9/11 to ramp up our global military involvement to an insane and I might add, unsustainable level. President Obama and our current crop of electeds may have disengaged slightly in some places, but have ramped things up in other places. When I last looked, engaging in wars all over the world isn't “defense”, it's blatant aggression and hegemony! The cost in lives and dollars is too high and is destroying our country by sapping its lifeblood. Think of what we can do with that money to build our country here instead of tearing things down overseas. Besides, it would give us mere taxpayers a break. Prescription #4: Carefully examine who the elected's appointees are. What was their last job? Are they regulators from the same industry that they regulate? Are they corporate CEOs, Wall Streeters or banksters? One glaring example would be an elected appointing a job offshoring CEO to a council that is supposed to create jobs in our country! Gee, didn't President Obama do that? Come to think of it, most of his appointees are CEO/Wall Street/bankster types. If an elected appoints any of the previously mentioned types, he doesn’t have your interests in mind because he is too busy looking out for the bigwigs who financed his campaign, support someone else! Prescription #5: Beware of incursions on your Constitutional rights. If your electeds support laws that violate your constitutional rights, they are unworthy of their office! This is your freedom and what makes America the land of the free we're talking about, vote accordingly! Prescription #6: Beware of the social issue trap and smokescreen: While many social issues are important, most politicians use their support of or opposition to various social issues to distract you from the fact that they are harming the future of you and your family on fiscal issues. They do that because they know that social issues are highly emotional issues that tend to polarize people, you're either for them or against them. So when the corporate owned elected of your choice wants to make you forget that he or she wants to cut your Social Security or help corps offshore your job, he or she will come out in favor of or in opposition to birth control, abortion, gay rights or environmental issues to get you worked up enough to make you look the other way while you get shafted! The interesting thing about social issues is that they cost the corps. that own our electeds nothing. The next time your elected springs a social issue on you, look for the hidden weenie. To sum it all up, always ask yourself this question. What has my elected done for me and my family lately? Make no mistake about it, it's not selfish, but honorable to look out for your family and your fellow Americans. What's good for Wall Street and corporations isn't what's good for America, what's good for American families is what's good for America! |
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017