Folks, Forget about all of the porn/sleaze that has mysteriously appeared about Trump. Ask yourself why it didn't surface earlier in the campaign season? Once you do that, I think that the circumstances will point to the source of the tabloidal garbage. Can you say Hillary's October surprise for The Donald?
Allegedly reputable news organizations have been carrying this garbage ad nauseam. The President and the First Lady have been making speeches expressing their self-righteous outrage. All of the usual suspects have been making political hay over the Trump tape, something that they hope will sink Trump once and for all. Meanwhile, there have been a number of WikiLeaks documents released that implicate Hillary Clinton in situations that have could bring an end to any hope of world peace. I don't know about you but I don't want this modern day Joe McCarthy in a pantsuit to start and attempt to finish a new cold war that turns into WWIII. What is most telling is Hillary Clinton's involvement in the Ukraine and its connection to The Clinton Foundation. I will let you find that one out for yourselves, just Google “Clinton Foundation Ukraine”. A potential WWIII is very real, it's life and death, anything else is just campaign propaganda. The reason that I am putting this out there is to help informed voters make wise decisions. Vote accordingly my friends, the future is in your hands.
Remember the good old days of the cold war when the Republicans could always be counted upon for insincerely waving the American flag and using the Russians as their boogeyman to keep us in a perpetual state of fear, uncertainty and doubt? The Soviet Union is long gone but the insincere flag-waving, faux patriotism and amped up accusations are back! This time around, the Democrats are the new fear mongers, even though there is no Soviet Union. The sad thing is that no one is calling the Dems. out on this new Age McCarthyism that could conjure up WIII from out of nowhere.
Well I'm calling them out and doing so in the strongest terms! Hey BASTARDS, I will not let you jeopardize America's future and world peace just to get someone elected who is the most power hungry and unethical politician that I've seen in my lifetime! I intend to be a voice of reason who speaks for the people and America's future. I intend to counter your lies with the truth, your half-truths with the facts and your obfuscations with my clarity. Like it or not, the truth will always get out! Tell me how you feel about that statement folks. If we are to get our country back, we need solidarity.
As you watch tonight's debate, realize that both parties did their best to nominate candidates who represent the will of their corporate owners, not we, the people. The Democrats succeeded and coronated Hillary Clinton, thanks to questionable primaries and other unethical tactics. The Republicans failed because they did everything possible to nominate one of their party line, free market, job offshoring corporate zombies but instead they got Trump. Like it or not, Donald Trump represents the will of the GOP populist base. Like it or not, he represents the collective will of the majority of GOP voters, not backroom party hacks!
If we had an ethical Democratic Party, Bernie Sanders would be running against Donald Trump and we would have a meaningful choice. As you watch tonight's fiasco, realize that America deserves better. Let's vow to work together to break stranglehold that the corporate figurehead duopoly has on a system that passes for democracy our country.
I used to get on the air and rail against the false patriotism that the Republican Party used to hide its real agenda and fool the rubes who allow themselves to be conned by its lies. After watching the Democratic convention and its constant stream of faux patriotism, I now know that we have a new set of rubes and new con artists in our country. The Democrats have finally realized that it is very easy for demagogues to hide bad intentions behind the flag. They now realize that they can get away with any manner of bad behavior as long as there are a few convenient American flags waving in the background. We have got to gin up some new political parties quickly because except for the Green Party, which needs to grow its grassroots operations if it want to be viable, we don't have a party that represents us!
If you were expecting some balance and fairness in Hillary Clinton's V.P. Choice, you have to remember that Hillary Clinton never fails to disappoint. Her selection of Tim Kaine seems to follow that dictum faithfully. She seems to have consulted a pandering checklist to choose her V.P.
What does the above prove? That the Clinton/Kaine team highlights everything that's wrong with American politics. Forget about the lesser of two evils this year, both choices stink. Vote your conscience, vote third party or write in Bernie Sanders.
I was just watching a Hillary Clinton speech that she made in Raleigh, NC, where she vehemently stated that she is opposed to the TPP. She called it “a bad deal.” Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't she support the TPP when she was Secretary Of State? Didn't Bill Clinton foist job killing NAFTA on us, stating that it would bring jobs and prosperity to our nation? As a matter of fact, didn't she present herself as carrying on the legacy of President Obama, a.k.a. The Disappointment In Chief? Isn't President Obama a major proponent and the driving force behind the TPP?
The facts answer the above questions, I present them here for your enlightenment. Hillary covered many areas in her speech, I decided to focus on the Trans Pacific Partnership because labor issues are my strongest area of expertise. Her speech was loaded with similar inconsistencies, read that as out and out lies and weaselly half-truths. If you had the “pleasure” of hearing her speech, I'm sure that you have your own “favorite“ parts, let me know what they are. For the sake of integrity, America still needs Bernie Sanders in the White House! The "difficulties" that occurred in so many closed primary states look more like out and out fraud than mere happenstance! When a "problem" like no or changed voter registration party affiliation repeats itself in so many seemingly unrelated places, you have to look for a commonality. When law enforcement agencies try to crack a case, the first question that they usually ask is who benefits from this situation? At this point, we have to ask ourselves who benefits when Democratic voter turnout is reduced? Since these are not general elections and past history showed that Bernie Sanders always benefited from large voter turnouts, I believe that the answer could only be Hillary Clinton!
I ask you to weigh the facts and draw your own conclusions.
What would you say if I told you that your political party has an army of demons who are prepared to cast votes at their convention that could counteract your primary vote? What would you say if I told you that Hillary Clinton is fervently trying to harness the power of those demons to cast votes for her in the Democratic Convention? Now before you accuse me of going bonkers, let me tell you that the demons that I am referring to are actually super delegates to the Democratic convention. These loose cannons known as super delegates should not be confused with pledged delegates who are essentially pledged to vote in accordance with the primary results. Super delegates can vote however the heck they want, regardless of your primary vote.
Hillary Clinton's aides are now in the process of pressuring super delegates into pledging that they will vote for Her at the nominating convention. So into the voting booth you go, John and Jane Q. and you cast your vote for Bernie Sanders. The pledged delegates who represent you at the convention dutifully cast their votes for Bernie, only to be met by a flood of pre-cast Hillary votes from the super delegates that she now controls. That's as if Hillary went into the voting booth with you, tore up your vote for Bernie and cast one for herself. Ah yes, democracy in action! At this point, you might ask how do we over come this obstacle and get Bernie elected? The answer is for now, with a massive number of votes for Bernie Sanders that overpowers any rigging of an already corrupt system! Since too many professional politicians in the Democratic party benefit from the super delegate system which is an affront to democracy, don't expect it to change soon. The only work around is to start a new party that doesn't have super delegates and truly reflects our votes. Hey, why not call it The Really democratic Party?
Just when it looked like the 2016 Presidential election was going to be a choice between a to-be-announced corporate Republican and a preordained corporate Democrat, independent Bernie Sanders announced that he is going to run for President as a Democrat. If that isn't a game changer, I don't know what is? Now we have a clear choice and can vote for someone who has spent his whole career fighting for the middle class and the poor. Bernie's track record shows that he is all action, not someone who utters a few noncommittal words or worse yet, says the words that you want to hear then in a stealthy way, sides with corporations, billionaires and Wall St. after the election.
Look, I've never been shy about expressing my strong disdain for middle class and poor people who support and vote for Republicans that only help corporations and billionaires. Similarly, I have equal disdain for middle class and poor voters who call themselves Democrats, but vote for “lesser of two evils” candidates that “compromise” with Republicans after the election. Voters in the second category effectively turn a two party system into a virtual one party system by limiting our choices to bad and worse. Kind of sounds like a 1950's Soviet style election doesn't it? The difference is that you have a choice of two people cut from the same corporate cloth? Sadly, the people who prevent any substantive change in our country and doom us to a life of income inequality are the vociferous enforcers of the status quo who on social media and elsewhere, use fear as their weapon of choice. These people are nothing less than political bullies who are trying to force you to vote their way or else! Their phrase that enslaves is “If you vote for a third party candidate, the Republicans will win. Remember Nader in the 2000 election?” By running in a Democratic primary election, Bernie Sanders effectively eliminated that argument. The same people might now present the false argument that Bernie doesn't have a chance because conservative voters won't vote for him in a general election. My reply to that would be that Democrats shouldn't court Republicans by adopting their values? The take away is this: The only way that Bernie Sanders doesn't have a chance is you don't vote for him in the primaries and in the general election. For true democracy, forget the bullies and vote for Bernie.
If you've been listening to my radio show or reading my columns on this website for any length of time, you know that I believe in encouraging you to think for yourself. That's why I am so upset with the way the Democrats are handling Hillary Clinton's long expected announcement that she is running for President. High up Democrats are literally falling all over each other in their rush to endorse her candidacy. Additionally, some organizations that I thought were progressive stopped talking about the prospect of running a certain progressive Senator from Massachusetts and want to turn her into a wing of the Democratic Party as if she were an inanimate part of a building. Ostensibly, they want to use this Senator, or should I say wing, or should I say Senator Wing to influence the now anointed Queen Hillary the first to run on progressive principles. That kind of talk, even if it is accompanied by the halfhearted phrase “or any potential candidates” discourages any potential progressive candidate from running and runs contrary to democratic principles.
Here are some solid reasons why we need to pick the next Democratic Presidential contender from a vast field of primary candidates:
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017