Jim White always has an interesting perspective on issues that affect working people. You can hear what he has to say by visiting my Listen Here! page.
Did you hear the one about the three biggest lies?
1- The check is in the mail. 2- The dog ate my homework. 3- There will be NO increase in your Social Security because the cost of living hasn't gone up. The first two lies always get a laugh or two because they have been part of the repertoire of many comedians, the third one isn't funny at all. Hope and change rhetoric aside, our electeds showed no mercy on retirees living on a very fixed income. They didn't help the retirees cope with today's sharply rising prices by having the flexibility and humanity to modify the original Social Security COLA plan to adapt for sudden sharp changes in the price of food, gas, etc. By coincidence, those are the very items that are affected when greedy commodities traders use the very food that feeds you and your family and fuel that heats your house as chips in a giant game of American roulette. You've never heard of American roulette? The rules are simple, when commodities traders gamble, they win and we lose. The sad thing about our economy is that retirees aren't the only ones on a fixed income. The majority of Americans haven’t seen a raise in years. You can say that they are on a de facto fixed income. Their employers wouldn't thing twice about raising the prices of the products they manufacture or sell, but won't pass that profit on to their hard working employees. Salaries are static but prices rise! Now on to a group of people that make the folks in the above categories look well off by comparison, the unemployed. They are subject to intense financial pressure and are scraping just to get food and perhaps remain in their homes. Sharply rising prices could be the last straw for many of the unemployed, especially the 99ers, those out of work, through no fault of their own for 99 weeks or more. Thanks to compassionate hope and change politicians, the 99ers have to survive on ZERO income! The thing that bugs me is that early on in the fiscal crisis, politicians from BOTH parties gladly opened America's coffers to bail out the banks and Wall Street to ostensibly avert a “depression”. The banks and Wall Street are now doing just fine, thank you. Their high fliers are making the big bucks and for them, it's a beautiful world. While they party on, a large number of us are in a depression and see NO way out! While everyone rushed to bail out the bastions of American wealth and power, no one will lift a finger to bail out the ordinary American. Let's hope we never get that kind of change again! American corporations that outsource their jobs overseas have destroyed the U.S. economy and manufacturing infrastructure. They did it with the help and blessing of our electeds. To find electeds that put people before corporations, visit my Listen Here! page.
In order to keep my listeners well informed, I am changing the way Workers Independent News is carried on this website. Effective immediately, I am not incorporating the newscasts into my shows on this site. I am doing that in the interest of timeliness because my shows may or may not be posted on a daily basis. Therefore, any newscast that is included in my web based show may or may not be current.
I am posting the newscasts separately on this site so you can always hear the latest Workers Independent News. The Republicans in Congress have just incurred the wrath of my wife. To hear my wife tell off Crybaby Boehner and his pals, visit my Listen Here! page.
Many Americans are so apathetic about the process of electing the candidate of their choice that they won't make the slightest effort to find out anything about him or her. They passively watch their TV and let it tell them how to cast their vote. To hear more about this disgusting situation, visit my Listen Here! page.
Workers Independent News is one of the best informational resources for working people. Their dedicated staff work tirelessly to keep working people informed about the things that really matter. You won't hear any celebrity gossip or nonsense on WIN newscasts, just the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about things that affect working people. if you feel that the main stream media is presenting a distorted picture that is skewed in favor of corporate interests, their newscast will fit you like a glove. Starting on April 11, 2011, I am including a win newscast in each Jack Wade Show. Please let me know what you think about the newscast. As we approach tonight's deadline for the passing of a budget by our electeds, one thing becomes painfully clear, the Republicans, headed by their ringleader Crybaby Boehner are using their normal, "I'll throw a tantrum if I don't get my way" method of "negotiation". If a budget isn't passed, it will have immediate consequences, most Federal functions will be curtailed, if not halted. The Republicans fully understand all the implications of not passing a budget and are fully prepared to force the issue just to get their way. In other words, they are willing to hold America hostage to get what they want.
For those of you who are naive (dumb) enough to believe all of the pseudo-patriotic bilge that the Republicans have been feeding us all these years, just remember that not passing a budget will mean that the families of our fighting men and women will not be getting any paychecks for the entire duration that our country is without a budget. News reports from Afghanistan and other places that our brave Republican electeds will never have to go to engage in life and death combat have had interviews with many of our brave fighting men and women who, thanks to some Republican pantloads, have to worry about the financial well being of their families back home. My advice to our Democratic electeds is to show the Republican big babies some tough "love" and not give in to their holding America hostage! We'll be watching and voting accordingly! STOP THE PRESSES!! As of 11:15 PM, it appears that the Democrats took their usual initiative and ended the impasse the old fashioned way, they caved and gave the Republicans $78.5 Billion below President Obama's budget proposal. We need a Labor Party in the USA! President Obama just announced his bid for re-election in 2012. I'd like to know your feelings about the 2012 elections. I had a truly enjoyable interview with Reverend Manny about his book "Hustlers and the Idiot Swarm". To hear the interview, visit my Listen Here! page.
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017