What's your favorite brand of corruption? Which style do you prefer? Does it have a thin veneer of faux patriotism? Perhaps having it glossed over with a diluted coat of caring and compassion is more to your liking? Either way, when you peel back the carefully prepared covering, you see the same thing, massive campaign contributions from billionaires and corporations!
In this age of "corporations are people", we have to remind ourselves of one of my favorite quotes --"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"- Albert Einstein. If we elect someone from one of the two existing parties, we are buying into a corrupt, dysfunctional system that has brought us to where we are today, one where corporations and billionaires make contributions or veiled threats and pull the strings! That's why I support electing an outsider. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats has just mentioned that he would consider running for President in 2016. Should he run, I will do everything in my power to help get him elected. He is experienced yet still has his integrity. Let's encourage this honorable man to seek the Presidency.
During his press conference on Monday, President Obama let the GOP know, in no uncertain terms, that he wasn't going to put up with their obstructionist tactics that use the debt ceiling to impose their questionable agenda on us, whether we like it or not. I hope that the President's words are followed up by strong actions and mean an end to his seemingly endless attempts to "compromise" with GOP politicians who are only interested in bringing down, or weakening his administration. As I've said before, an administration that tries to be all things to all people winds up being nothing to everyone. The GOP continually mistakes President Obama's conciliatory approach for a lack of political conviction. In other words, they mistake kindness for weakness. The Republicans are trying to use the bogus debt ceiling to coerce Obama into compromising away years of Democratic social programs. That's why Obama's brand new tough talk has to be followed up by strong action. The question now is, will FDR's legacy be obliterated on Obama's watch, or will he step up to the plate and be a real Democrat? The choice is his. For America's sake, I hope that he chooses wisely. Dear President Obama,
When you ran for office, you said that you represent “Change We Can Believe In.” At this point in time, as a card carrying member of organized labor and a member of what is becoming the former middle class, I'd like a definition of your concept of “change.” From my perspective, your version of “change” seems to consist of a variation of Republican style trickle down economics that combines the worst features of capitalism with the worst features of socialism. The rich investors get the risky bets that they call “investments” insured with the immediate use of taxpayer dollars to cover losses because they are “too big to fail.” While the rest of us get to lose our jobs, homes and have our safety nets cut by the very people that we elected to protect us, presumably because we are too small to matter. After years of enduring the slings and arrows of the Bush and other Republican administrations that put the interests of corporate America first, the working people who comprise the middle class looked to you and the Democratic Party to level the playing field. After years of stagnant wages, seeing our jobs outsourced to places like China and India and being convinced by the Bush administration that running up tabs on our credit cards is the same as getting the pay raises we had in more equitable times, we hoped that, in the interest of fairness, you would push the pendulum in the other direction. Instead, you keep using the word bipartisan which translates to compromising our interests. I say that you can't compromise with members of the Party that helped to create the disparity of wealth that is commonly called the top 2% without embracing their “values!” As the core group that supported you and helped to get you elected, many of us now have a few questions:
I'm not telling you how to do your job, but if I were in your position, the first thing that I would do is to reinstate every single tariff on imports that existed prior to the Reagan administration and have truth in labeling legislation introduced that identifies U.S. brand name products that are really imports in disguise with a cigarette style warning label. Then I would go for the repeal of Taft-Hartley to help America's unions restore prosperity to the Middle-Class. Those moves would cost the American taxpayer nothing, but will create enough tax revenue to fix the deficit, because job offshoring and the resulting lopsided balance of trade is the primary cause of the deficit in the first place! Corporations got richer, but it destroyed the middle class and made America a country without a product! Now about Social Security which is actually a form of insurance that was funded, in good faith by America's hard working people. Our electeds from BOTH parties have systematically raided the Social Security Trust fund to finance general government spending. Anyway you look at the situation, that's FRAUD because none of it was paid back! Any cuts to Social Security will be seen by everybody who paid into the fund, not as a cut to just another so called “entitlement” but as out and out robbery of a portion of our life savings! In closing, let me say that most middle class Americans would probably agree with me when I say that the change that we've seen so far has been symbolic change, not substantive change a.k.a. SMALL CHANGE. Keeping 2012 in mind and in light of that I say, Mr. President, keep the change, we just want our lives and our dignity back! Respectfully Yours, Jack Wesley Wade |
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017