How many times have you heard someone say that “Mitt Romney would make a great President because running successful businesses for many years gives him more than enough experience to run our country?" Let's take a closer look at that statement and attempt to look at the various skills that one would develop over the years running a successful corporate business. Disclaimer: Please don't think that the following skills are developed when running a small business because small business owners actually have much more in common with ordinary working people that they do with corporate honchos.
The skill set of a successful corporatist, er I mean businessman: Reducing costs to increase profits by:
Increasing profits by:
Every one of those skills would prepare someone for a great career catering to the rich and shafting ordinary people. Ask yourself if those skills fit the job description of President of The United States? If not, vote for President Obama.
I will be interviewing Jon "Bowzer" Bauman who is a spokesman for The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare but is better known as "Bowzer" from the group Sha Na Na on Monday, October 29, 2012 at 2:00 PM ET live on the Working Family Radio Radio Network at You can listen to it live there by clicking on the "Listen Live" icon or by tuning in to any of the affiliate radio stations listed. Jon and the organization that he represents are fighting the good fight to protect Social Security and Medicare from those who would destroy it. We have common cause and I intend stand with them and help them. Here's a little something I found on YouTube to whet your appetite: If you heard a echo during the final Presidential debate, it was just Mitt Romney changing his positions again to become more palatable to rational voters. At times, he sounded like a human echo chamber, repeating everything that the President said. Other times, Romney contradicted his previous positions. The reason for the contradictions is that in a debate environment, Willard doesn't have the luxury of being all things to all people, privately telling one group something and another group the exact opposite. Translation, all of those pesky facts finally caught up to him.
Bob Schieffer did a superb job moderating the debate, creating a dignified debating environment where the truth was king and anything else was glaringly obvious. Bob performed a valuable service to our country because the outcome of the final debate should give rational voters their marching orders by proving that their is only one viable choice for President - Barack Obama! Mitt Romney's conduct in both debates was reprehensible. He was talking down to President Obama as if he were the President's superior dressing down an underling in a corporate setting . To hear me give Mitt the dressing down he richly deserves, visit my Listen Here! page.
Candy Crowley did an outstanding job moderating the second Presidential debate. Did you notice that she had a prominently displayed timer that was similar to the one I mentioned on Show 100 of The Jack Wade Show? Kudos to her for strictly enforcing the time limits. She didn't even need the automatic microphone cut off feature mentioned on my show.
Ms. Crowley maintained a level playing field where pre-rehearsed theatrics and talking over your opponent won't work. Mitt Romney can't function in that kind of environment, by environment I mean a fair debate. Once you strip away the canned answers, rehearsed attacks and coached orchestrated strategies, it becomes apparent that Romney has nothing that will help the average American. He is just a shill for corporations and his fellow wealthy elites! On the road, Romney can have his speeches tailored to tell each group what they want to hear and be all things to all people. In a properly run debate, the facts are king and a Romney is a pauper. Summing it all up, in a fair fight, facts win and liars like Romney lose! The Biden/Ryan debate will probably be remembered for two things, the intermittent broad grin that swept over Joe Biden's face and Paul Ryan nervously clutching and gulping his glass of water. Joe Biden's grin that occasionally bordered on out and out laughter was his reaction to Paul Ryan's out and out lies that were so blatant that they insulted the intelligence of the American voter. Paul Ryan's glass of water was the liquid version of the needle in a lie detector test swinging frantically to indicate a lie. I can almost hear what was going through Ryan's head as his heart raced and his palms became sweaty, "He got me! (gulp) How do I come up with a supporting argument for my last line of b.s.? (gulp) HELP!"
What a difference a week and a new moderator makes! Unlike Jim Lehrer, Martha Raddatz set and enforced firm ground rules and asked revealing questions that put the kibosh on any possible canned and scripted attacks coming from the GOP side. Although you will hear lots of moaning coming from the Republicans and some of their sycophantic supporters in the media, the truth prevailed last night. If that becomes a trend, we will become a nation of informed voters. I'm looking forward to the next debate. Thanks to Martha Raddatz's stellar performance, Candy Crowley has big shoes to fill. If you were upset by the first Obama/Romney debate, you're not alone. If a debate moderator wants clarity in the debate and not just noise, he or she has to strictly enforce a firm set of ground rules. To learn about the Wade method of moderation, visit my Listen Here! page.
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017