Denial will only take you so far. You can spend your time immersed in the illusory world of the mainstream media, following meaningless “reality” shows and what passes for “news” or you can spend your time with alternate media in search of the truth.
Remember this: If you don't actively seek out the truth now, the truth will be seeking you out later. - Jack Wade 5/22/2013
Well it looks like the Republicans have latched onto yet another scandal to hold over the Democrats' heads. Digging up one scandal after another, seems to be the only way that the GOP can engage its base. That technique has a long history and usually is very effective in turning the Democratic party into a bunch of babbling apologists. Remember the Lewinsky scandal? The Democrats have used a few GOP scandals like Watergate to their advantage too. They could have played hardball with the GOP on many recent occasions, but for various reasons, chose not to. I have a few scandals that make the Benghazi, IRS and AP scandals look small by comparison. Don't hold your breath for either party to use any of the following scandals against each other, because both parties are guilty of all of them. Both parties are guilty of:
At this point, I think that you realize that there are real scandals going on that have nothing to do with the mainstream media's scandal du jour. The real scandals can only be undone by voting most of the electeds from BOTH parties out of office. We need to supplant both parties with organizations that field candidates that truly represent us, not corporate and super wealthy contributors. Grover Norquist intimidated most of the GOP electeds, forcing them to take a pledge to not raise taxes under any circumstances. That's an example of government being hijacked by a few people. We can make the pledge concept work for us by taking a pledge of our own. Let's call the pledge, the 99% voter's pledge. Here is the way it can be worded: Since virtually all of the candidates of both parties have passed legislation and supported policies that are not in my best interests and contrary to their lofty and apparently exaggerated campaign promises, I -YOUR NAME HERE- hereby pledge to withhold my vote from both major parties in the next election. My vote will be cast for a truly worthy candidate from a yet unnamed third party that is more responsive to the needs of the average American. The candidate that I, not the corporations and the wealthy, who apparently back both major parties select will support issues that I care about like keeping jobs here in America, putting worker's rights before the rights of Wall Street gamblers and not cutting Social Security and Medicare. My chosen candidate will not raise false flag issues like fixing the deficit with austerity, when the real cause of the deficit was the lack of tax revenue due to the unemployment and underemployment created by the off shoring of jobs due to lowered trade tariffs and “free” trade agreements that the candidates of both major parties supported! I want a candidate who will listen to what I have to say 365 days per year, not just on election day and not spend all of his or her time catering to the demands of corporate lobbyists. That isn't possible under the current “two” party system, because meaningful campaign finance reform can't be passed when the electeds of both parties have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. To sum it all up, I'm on to the scam perpetrated by the politicians of both parties and I'm going to do something about it because this time around, the lesser of two evils is unacceptable! So there you have it. Please take a close look at the pledge and let me know what you think. Let me know if you have any additions that you want me to incorporate into the pledge. By all means, please let me know if you have any ideas of how we can get this document widely distributed. Let's make it a living document that can be a catalyst for real change in our country. Our future is in your hands. |
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017