Remember the good old days of the cold war when the Republicans could always be counted upon for insincerely waving the American flag and using the Russians as their boogeyman to keep us in a perpetual state of fear, uncertainty and doubt? The Soviet Union is long gone but the insincere flag-waving, faux patriotism and amped up accusations are back! This time around, the Democrats are the new fear mongers, even though there is no Soviet Union. The sad thing is that no one is calling the Dems. out on this new Age McCarthyism that could conjure up WIII from out of nowhere.
Well I'm calling them out and doing so in the strongest terms! Hey BASTARDS, I will not let you jeopardize America's future and world peace just to get someone elected who is the most power hungry and unethical politician that I've seen in my lifetime! I intend to be a voice of reason who speaks for the people and America's future. I intend to counter your lies with the truth, your half-truths with the facts and your obfuscations with my clarity. Like it or not, the truth will always get out! Tell me how you feel about that statement folks. If we are to get our country back, we need solidarity.
I'll bet that you've often wondered how the GOP holds on to its middle class voters when it clearly works against the best interests of constituents that are not well-heeled? In the past, I've said that the GOP playbook uses the big three; fear, uncertainty and doubt to keep middle class constituents under control and in line. The purpose of this article is to drill down on those principles of propaganda and uncover the specific mechanisms that they use to generate that fear, uncertainty and doubt. Here are some of the powerful tools that seem to be in the GOP propaganda toolkit: Scarcity: There isn't enough Social Security reserve money to go around. If the baby boomers don't make cuts now, there won't be enough left in the fund for 1000 years from now. What are future young people going to do? They will be paying into the system for nothing. Why are those baby boomers so selfish? Let's make those cuts and do it for the children! That GOP false argument has the added effect of pitting young against old and puts the Republicans closer to their dream of eliminating Social Security by helping it to die a death by a thousand cuts. If you liked that, you're going to love the next one. Obamacare is going to destroy Medicare by siphoning away money from it. What could seriously hurt Medicare and every other form of health care is the ever spiraling cost of drugs, hospital fees and every other aspect of health care, especially insurance. Part of the Affordable Care Act attempts to get some of it under control. That's a good thing because left, unchecked, rising healthcare costs could reach the point where even with insurance, few people would be able to pay for it. Envy: Those union guys make more than I do. Why should they make more than I do when I do the same job? You get the picture here? Instead of the brainwashed GOP voter asking “Why am I making so little?” the fool actually asks, “Why is he or she making so much?” Losers who try to bring other people down, instead of raising themselves up are what's destroying our country. Sadly, the GOP seems to be the home of pathetic flunkies like that. Greed: Someday I'll become a billionaire, so I have to protect their freedom to earn lots of money. Yes, and someday the skies will open up and diamonds will rain down on all of us. In the meantime, the middle class of poor GOP voter and his or her family will probably barely make ends meet on a meager big box store and or fast food joint paycheck with GOP electeds fighting minimum wage increases tooth and nail. Patriotism: We are the official party of patriotism and the founding fathers! Our founding fathers would be appalled at the betrayal of our country caused by “free” market principles. The GOP stooges who wrap themselves in the American flag vehemently support a corporation's right to offshore American jobs, thus weakening our economy, destroying our manufacturing infrastructure and building up the Chinese economy. As a byproduct, when U.S. corporations manufacture in China, the Chinese get their trade secrets, building up Chinese technology. Gee whiz, when I last looked, China was a Communist country! Yes, I know that the Democrats also support “free” trade but not as vehemently. In my humble opinion, with their unconditional love of corporations and billionaires, the Republican party is not the official party of the founding fathers. Here's a quote from one of the founding fathers that confirms that. " I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." Thomas Jefferson Religion: We are the official party of the Lord, Jesus Christ. If Jesus walked the earth today, I'm sure that he would strongly dispute that. The GOP seems to glorify selfishness and a lust for money, especially if it's at the expense of the poor! The GOP always seems to latch on to the parts of religion that divide us and uses them as red meat issues to keep their base engaged and under control. The Big Lie Theory: Obamacare is evil because it has death panels! How many time have we heard that baloney? That's the entire principal of The Big Lie theory. If you repeat an outrageous lie enough times, it becomes the truth in the minds of the public. That's why we were subjected to a barrage of deceptive ads and soundbites from the GOP and various shill organizations. The Big Lie Theory worked well for Joseph Goebbels and still does for the GOP and their wealthy backers. The next time you discuss politics with Republican voters, don't get angry with them, feel sorry for them because they are truly enslaved by their blind trust of an entity that is using them to benefit their real constituency, billionaires and corps. A favorite ploy of corporate owned electeds in Congress, The Senate and your friendly neighborhood Statehouse is to give legislation that they write and issues that they support titles or names that make things that are harmful to your average voter look good. You will be more equipped to know when your elected is trying to put one over on you by visiting my Listen Here! page. Democratic Good Cop/Democratic Bad Cop-------------------GOP Bad Cop/GOP Good Cop Now that the sequester has been in effect for a couple of weeks, and the mainstream media has been showing scenes of control towers about to close, please remember that it's just part of a dog and pony show designed to justify the cuts to Social Security and Medicare that the elites of both parties want us to think will fix the deficit. The mass panic that our corporate owned electeds hope will ensue would be caused by the latest false dialog generated by the corporate owned mainstream media lie machine at the behest of, you guessed it, their corporate owners. Those media moguls and their 1% pals hope that it will result in the opportunity to raid Medicare and Social Security to balance the deficit, give themselves a new source of profit and allow them to continue to pay little or no taxes. They know that a good panic will allow our corporate owned electeds to take the first steps in undoing Medicare and Social Security much in the way media lies and selective reporting caused healthcare for all to be diluted into Obamacare. You can read the full article in my Feature Articles section by clicking here. Did you hear the one about the three biggest lies?
1- The check is in the mail. 2- The dog ate my homework. 3- There will be NO increase in your Social Security because the cost of living hasn't gone up. The first two lies always get a laugh or two because they have been part of the repertoire of many comedians, the third one isn't funny at all. Hope and change rhetoric aside, our electeds showed no mercy on retirees living on a very fixed income. They didn't help the retirees cope with today's sharply rising prices by having the flexibility and humanity to modify the original Social Security COLA plan to adapt for sudden sharp changes in the price of food, gas, etc. By coincidence, those are the very items that are affected when greedy commodities traders use the very food that feeds you and your family and fuel that heats your house as chips in a giant game of American roulette. You've never heard of American roulette? The rules are simple, when commodities traders gamble, they win and we lose. The sad thing about our economy is that retirees aren't the only ones on a fixed income. The majority of Americans haven’t seen a raise in years. You can say that they are on a de facto fixed income. Their employers wouldn't thing twice about raising the prices of the products they manufacture or sell, but won't pass that profit on to their hard working employees. Salaries are static but prices rise! Now on to a group of people that make the folks in the above categories look well off by comparison, the unemployed. They are subject to intense financial pressure and are scraping just to get food and perhaps remain in their homes. Sharply rising prices could be the last straw for many of the unemployed, especially the 99ers, those out of work, through no fault of their own for 99 weeks or more. Thanks to compassionate hope and change politicians, the 99ers have to survive on ZERO income! The thing that bugs me is that early on in the fiscal crisis, politicians from BOTH parties gladly opened America's coffers to bail out the banks and Wall Street to ostensibly avert a “depression”. The banks and Wall Street are now doing just fine, thank you. Their high fliers are making the big bucks and for them, it's a beautiful world. While they party on, a large number of us are in a depression and see NO way out! While everyone rushed to bail out the bastions of American wealth and power, no one will lift a finger to bail out the ordinary American. Let's hope we never get that kind of change again! Politicians usually say one thing and do another. Some politicians use words that say one thing and mean another.
For a refreshing taste of reality visit the Listen Here! page. How does the right keep it's followers under control? They resort to a tried and true technique, fear!
Hey, you are a Wade listener, go to my Listen Here! page and fear not. |
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017