![]() I find it ironic that our corporate owned electeds are in a dither about Edward Snowden and are accusing him of being a traitor because he revealed information to China. If by those standards, Snowden deserves to be called a traitor, then our electeds, who over the years lowered trade barriers that enabled U.S. corps to offshore manufacturing to China, giving them trade secrets in the process and generating a negative balance of trade, deserve to be called mega traitors. If you are as fed up with the hypocrisy of our corporate owned electeds as I am, visit my Listen Here! page.
I feel that the subject matter covered by my previous article is too important to just be addressed by the written word which can't express my outrage at the liberties that our electeds have taken with the Constitution. As proof that even a short form radio program is worth a thousand words, just consider the latest show on my Listen Here! page to be a sidebar to the previous article!
![]() If you are like me, you realize that the Constitution and the protections that it affords U.S. Citizens is what sets our country apart from the rest of the world. If you take away the Constitution, the U.S.A. is no longer the U.S.A. and has the potential to devolve into a dictatorship rather quickly. Whether you realize it or not, our Constitution is under stealth attack by an assortment of self-serving people and interests that are willing to sacrifice your future and the future of the United States of America for either short-term profits or political gain. These snakes in the grass are traitors masquerading as respectable corporations, elected officials and wealthy elitists that are more than willing to use fear, uncertainty and doubt to trick you into going against your own, your family's and our country’s best interests! Like the proverbial raising the temperature on a giant pot of water a degree at a time experiment, the aforementioned scoundrels were hoping that you wouldn't notice what they were doing when they attempted to take away your rights incrementally. The 9/11 tragedy handed the opportunity that they had been dreaming about to those who would use the power of government to thwart the will of the American people by undermining the basic protections, checks and balances that are built into the Constitution. Our cataclysm became their chance to implement their evil and double-crossing agenda at a warp-speed pace. What better excuse could they have for wiping out some of those pesky constitutional rights that are interfering with their profit making or promoting of one particular ideology over another than by using 9/11 as a post-modern version of the Reichstag fire to implement undeclared wars and write a number of laws that sharply diminish your constitutional rights? The “Patriot” Act is both an exercise is Orwellian Doublespeak and to a lesser degree, the post-modern version of the German Reichstag Fire Decree and the German Enabling Act of 1933 both of which used the fire as an excuse to effectively neutralize the German constitution and turn that country into a dictatorship. The Patriot Act was originally designed as a “temporary” expediency, destined to sunset years ago, since it was continually renewed through two administrations, we must assume that either the act is an abject failure that didn't serve its intended purpose or more likely, once our rights are given up, corporate owned, drunk with power electeds are reluctant to give them back. Emboldened by their “success” at tricking us into accepting The “Patriot” Act, our electeds either passed or attempted to pass a litany of constitutional rights stealing bills with names like The National Defense Authorization Act , The Real ID Act , SOPA , PIPA , FISA and probably many more that I left out. All of the above raises some very interesting questions:
If you are looking for answers in this article, please realize that the reason that I wrote it is to stimulate some thought on your part and shake everyone out of their collective complacency before it's too late. For the sake of our country, I hope that I've succeeded. |
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017