I was just watching a Hillary Clinton speech that she made in Raleigh, NC, where she vehemently stated that she is opposed to the TPP. She called it “a bad deal.” Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't she support the TPP when she was Secretary Of State? Didn't Bill Clinton foist job killing NAFTA on us, stating that it would bring jobs and prosperity to our nation? As a matter of fact, didn't she present herself as carrying on the legacy of President Obama, a.k.a. The Disappointment In Chief? Isn't President Obama a major proponent and the driving force behind the TPP?
The facts answer the above questions, I present them here for your enlightenment. Hillary covered many areas in her speech, I decided to focus on the Trans Pacific Partnership because labor issues are my strongest area of expertise. Her speech was loaded with similar inconsistencies, read that as out and out lies and weaselly half-truths. If you had the “pleasure” of hearing her speech, I'm sure that you have your own “favorite“ parts, let me know what they are. For the sake of integrity, America still needs Bernie Sanders in the White House!
OK folks, I'm still trying to process this. The Koch Bros. find Hillary Clinton to be preferable to any of the Republican candidates, yet there are still totally dysfunctional morons out there who are preaching that "if you don't vote Democrat, you'll get a Republican in the White House." Think about the tortured logic those people had to use to come to such a brilliant conclusion. They had to use a great deal of rationalization to protect themselves from life's realities.
Their reasoning or lack thereof, is analogous to a person who loves a particular brand of cereal. The flavor of it is superb and is set off by wonderful freeze-dried fruit that enhances it and is the signature taste of the eating experience. The cereal's brand name paints an accurate picture of the delight that awaits the happy consumer and all is well. Suddenly, the manufacturer decides that fruit is too expensive and in a cost cutting measure, replaces it with freeze-dried excrement which it calls dingleberries.” The hapless person looks at the box and wonders why the fruit he or she loves so much was replaced by something called dingleberries? The soon to be victim is reassured by the familiar brand name on the package and takes it home along with the other groceries. He or she gets it home, pours it into a bowl, adds milk, notices a strong odor, now realizes what dingleberries are and swears never to buy it again. The moral of this story is that a political party that is devoid of its original ideals becomes a brand name that at best, stands for nothing, but at worst stands for nothing but evil. If the Democratic Party nominates a standard bearer like Hillary Clinton who apparently has the Koch Bros. Seal of approval, it has replaced its wonderful freeze dried fruit, people like FDR and LBJ and yes, the possibility of electing Bernie Sanders, with dingleberries. Believe me, if it happens, I won't be sampling that odor!
A couple of hours ago, MSNBC had a person on the street interview segment where some human interest story reporter asked a group of hipster type Brooklynites who were waiting to get brunch who they were voting for? ALL of them said Hillary Clinton. Then he asked each of them what they think of the Democratic Party's Super Delegate system? NONE of them had even the slightest idea about what a Super Delegate was!!! What I derive from that little TV vignette is:
If you saw the segment, draw your own conclusion!
I'm noticing a perverse form of stereotyping and anti-semitism that was probably engendered by the Hillary Clinton camp. Basically, I keep hearing a snide inference oozing out of the various slime pits that comprise the mainstream media that either Bernie Sanders isn't Jewish enough or is ashamed of his Jewishness. The Jewish faith, like any other faith consists of a full spectrum of observance ranging from Orthodox to non-practicing secular people who are Jewish in heritage. To try to slur Bernie by inferring that he is a self-hating Jew is hitting an all time low that puts the accuser in the same league as the propaganda ministry of Hitler's Germany.
Let me know what you think!
As the most solemn Christian Holy Day passed and we approach Easter, I can't help but see a modern day biblical story of betrayal play out. As Democrats, we have always expected our party to stand for a set of values that protect the interests of ordinary folks. It's been the party of the little guy and gal and was made so by the strong actions of moral giants like FDR, JFK and LBJ. Those political icons helped hammer out legislation like Social Security, Medicare, civil rights laws and labor laws that protect workers' rights. They are things that now form the fabric of everyday life. The values that helped those giants of the Democratic Party forge that legislation out of blocks of moral steel were held sacrosanct until Ronald Reagan occupied the White House.
When Bill Clinton was elected, the needle of the Democratic Party's moral compass started spinning wildly in the direction of corporate money! Clinton's answer to Reagan Republicans was to “triangulate” (his word) Democratic ideology, compromising so much of what we hold near and dear. Clintonistas always like to boast that Bill Clinton left the White House with a budget surplus, but at what cost? His administration helped to pass and sign enough deregulatory pro-corporate legislation to make a Republican blush! The damage that his legislation caused was like a toxic time capsule that is hurting us today! Barack Obama has continued the Clinton legacy of corporatism by appointing Wall Streeters and industry insider CEO's to his cabinet and key regulatory positions. One of the troubling aspects of his administration is that no matter how altruistic they look, there is always something in his legislative initiatives that benefits corporations. Passing and signing The Affordable Care Act, instead of a medicare for all national health plan, is a prime example of that. I like to call it life support for insurance corps and big pharma. Can you say trickle down? Another example is his support of “free” trade agreements. Can you say NAFTA II? He even gave FDR a little zinger when he tried to institute stealth cuts to Social Security by championing the chained CPI method of calculating the cost of living. How Republican of him!! In keeping with the selling out of Democratic ideals, certain leaders of the Democratic party have been trying to pre-ordain Hillary Clinton as their Presidential nominee. As such they have in subtle and not so subtle ways thrown the kitchen sink at the Bernie Sanders campaign, probably because he is a corporatist's worst nightmare. If Hillary does become their nominee, it will be an empty victory because either thinking Democrats will become independents in droves or a new third party will emerge that truly represents the ideals of FDR Democrats. What it boils down to is that the Democratic Party can only continue to collect its thirty pieces of corporate silver at the expense of its soul which happens to be its identity as the party of the little guy and gal! Party leaders have to take a lesson from this quote from scripture; For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? - Matthew 16:26 The "difficulties" that occurred in so many closed primary states look more like out and out fraud than mere happenstance! When a "problem" like no or changed voter registration party affiliation repeats itself in so many seemingly unrelated places, you have to look for a commonality. When law enforcement agencies try to crack a case, the first question that they usually ask is who benefits from this situation? At this point, we have to ask ourselves who benefits when Democratic voter turnout is reduced? Since these are not general elections and past history showed that Bernie Sanders always benefited from large voter turnouts, I believe that the answer could only be Hillary Clinton!
I ask you to weigh the facts and draw your own conclusions.
Dear Bernie,
I have been following your career for years and came to the realization that your ideas and ideals closely match my own ideals and ideas. You always seem to be there fighting the good fight for the little guy or gal. You are a man of complete integrity and a refreshing change from most of the other folks who occupy various offices in Washington. As such, it is in my self-interest to do everything that I can to see to it that you win the Democratic primaries, become the Democratic Party's standard-bearer and win the 2016 Presidential elections. As such, please let me offer you a word of advice – Go on the attack during the second debate tonight! American voters have thick skulls and misinterpreted your being a gentleman by not attacking Hillary during the first debate as passivity and weakness. Hillary Clinton did not take the high road during the first debate when she attacked you on the gun control issue. I'm sure that Hillary's handlers watched your early rallies and town halls and latched onto the gun control issue as your Achilles's heel when they saw those protesters. As a matter of fact, I wonder if a few of those protesters weren't Hillary or Hillary supporter plants? Since she latched onto the gun control issue, one issue that she distorted, magnified and used over and over again, and tried to play the “I am woman” card, Hillary now falls into the category of people in glass houses so feel free to use some of the following suggestions. Here are a few of Hillary Clinton's vulnerabilities: Bill Clinton's horrible record of deregulation that, to name a few:
The point of all this is that thanks to a corporate owned mainstream media, who wants to portray you as a weak non-candidate and a Hillary campaign machine that is fully prepared to play gutterball and latch onto anything they could to distract from the fact that Hillary is nothing more than an old-fashioned corporate backed machine politician, you have a real fight on your hands. I know that you want to take the high road, but at this stage, you can't because Clinton's people will see to it that voters mistake your kindness for your weakness! Now get out there tonight and fight because America's future depends on you! Sincerely, Jack Wade
Yesterday, the Congressional Republicans of the Benghazi committee conducted what could only be described as a witch hunt that was so specious and partisan that it would even have made Sen. Joe McCarthy blush. For eleven solid hours, Hillary Clinton was subjected to what could only be described as a police interrogation by a crew of GOP thugs. All that was missing was the darkened room and a bright light shining in her face. Needless to say, if their goal was to discredit Hillary to lower her numbers in the polls, they were wasting their time, taxpayers' money and America's collective patience.
Yesterday, Hillary Clinton wasn't discredited by the GOP, she was politically martyred by Republican slimeballs! As everyone knows, martyrs usually become heroes. Hillary stoically withstood their onslaught and looked positively heroic. Could it be that the political party that hired a consultant to concoct the deceptive phrase “job creator” as a description for corporations and billionaires has an underlying strategy behind the Benghazi hearings? Could it be that they secretly wanted to lionize Hillary by putting her through the hearing? Why?? My theory is that Bernie Sanders is the true nightmare of the corporations and billionaires that finance GOP campaigns. If the hearings actually help Hillary win the primaries, corporations and billionaires can breathe easy, they've gotten Bernie out of their hair. At that point, they have a win/win situation on their hands. If Hillary Clinton wins the general elections, they win, if a Republican wins, they win more! If I were Bernie Sanders, I would make a masterful move that would be the equivalent of his breakout “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails” shout to Hillary, which made him look like he was classy enough to fight the GOP in her defense. I would collar the Committee chairman Trey Gowdy and his GOP pals from my Senatorial bully pulpit and ask the same question that Joseph N. Welch asked Sen. Joe McCarthy during the Army-McCarthy hearings: “ Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” That would definitely put Bernie on the Presidential path!
Just when it looked like the 2016 Presidential election was going to be a choice between a to-be-announced corporate Republican and a preordained corporate Democrat, independent Bernie Sanders announced that he is going to run for President as a Democrat. If that isn't a game changer, I don't know what is? Now we have a clear choice and can vote for someone who has spent his whole career fighting for the middle class and the poor. Bernie's track record shows that he is all action, not someone who utters a few noncommittal words or worse yet, says the words that you want to hear then in a stealthy way, sides with corporations, billionaires and Wall St. after the election.
Look, I've never been shy about expressing my strong disdain for middle class and poor people who support and vote for Republicans that only help corporations and billionaires. Similarly, I have equal disdain for middle class and poor voters who call themselves Democrats, but vote for “lesser of two evils” candidates that “compromise” with Republicans after the election. Voters in the second category effectively turn a two party system into a virtual one party system by limiting our choices to bad and worse. Kind of sounds like a 1950's Soviet style election doesn't it? The difference is that you have a choice of two people cut from the same corporate cloth? Sadly, the people who prevent any substantive change in our country and doom us to a life of income inequality are the vociferous enforcers of the status quo who on social media and elsewhere, use fear as their weapon of choice. These people are nothing less than political bullies who are trying to force you to vote their way or else! Their phrase that enslaves is “If you vote for a third party candidate, the Republicans will win. Remember Nader in the 2000 election?” By running in a Democratic primary election, Bernie Sanders effectively eliminated that argument. The same people might now present the false argument that Bernie doesn't have a chance because conservative voters won't vote for him in a general election. My reply to that would be that Democrats shouldn't court Republicans by adopting their values? The take away is this: The only way that Bernie Sanders doesn't have a chance is you don't vote for him in the primaries and in the general election. For true democracy, forget the bullies and vote for Bernie. What's your favorite brand of corruption? Which style do you prefer? Does it have a thin veneer of faux patriotism? Perhaps having it glossed over with a diluted coat of caring and compassion is more to your liking? Either way, when you peel back the carefully prepared covering, you see the same thing, massive campaign contributions from billionaires and corporations!
In this age of "corporations are people", we have to remind ourselves of one of my favorite quotes --"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"- Albert Einstein. If we elect someone from one of the two existing parties, we are buying into a corrupt, dysfunctional system that has brought us to where we are today, one where corporations and billionaires make contributions or veiled threats and pull the strings! That's why I support electing an outsider. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats has just mentioned that he would consider running for President in 2016. Should he run, I will do everything in my power to help get him elected. He is experienced yet still has his integrity. Let's encourage this honorable man to seek the Presidency. |
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017