I hate hypocrisy, especially in politics because in essence, it usually amounts to people who have sold you a false bill of goods just to get in office. When I see hypocrisy in action, it's probably the only time that I believe in taking a bipartisan approach and will call out hypocrites regardless of their party affiliation. In my last post (Are Centrist Dems. Democrats Or Demorats?) I called out 28 Democratic congressmen who voted with GOP congressmen to authorize the Keystone XL Pipeline. In this post, I'm going to take a look at the GOP vote in the Senate concerning Keystone to show their hypocrisy and illustrate why Democrats who side with the GOP, in light of what it represents aren't worthy of their office. The Keystone XL was approved by the Senate and now goes to the President's desk, hopefully for a veto. Here's some of the GOP sausage making that went into it: Much activity took place on Senate bill S1, a bill to approve the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Since the GOP has the majority in both houses, the Democrats tried to mitigate the damage that the bill causes by adding amendments. Sadly, there were some Demorats who voted with the GOP.
As I said in the beginning of this post, I hate hypocrisy. I hate it regardless of the source. That's why when I heard the President refer to people who oppose job killing “free” trade agreements as living in the past, I realized that his disingenuous theme of “income inequality” made his State Of The Union speech nothing more than an unhealthy helping of his baloney washed down with a cocktail of his supporters' denial! The people that the President mentioned are not living in the past, they have long memories and remember another period of history when Democrats joined hands with Republicans to sell out American workers by passing NAFTA! Folks, no matter which party spouts the hypocrisy, we are the ones who are betrayed.
Chained CPI is nothing but an inherently deceptive stealth cut to Social Security and other benefits which guarantees that inflation will effectively shrink a Social Security check in a relatively short period of time. After you hear my description of chained CPI on the Listen Here! page, you will wonder how anyone can support it and still call himself or herself a Democrat! President Obama's prompt and decisive response to hurricane Sandy graphically illustrates that the GOP religion of deficit cutting is actually harmful to the future of our country. The President pulled out all the fiscal stops to help hurricane victims. Think about what would have happened if the President stopped to worry about how spending money to help those people would affect the future of America's children. Needless to say, I have some choice words for the GOP and their cult of deficit cutting. To hear my rant, visit my Listen Here! page. Do it for the children!
I want you to try this one one on for size. Since Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are embroiled in a seemingly endless political ad battle about outsourcing jobs overseas and both seem to agree that outsourcing hurts the American middle class, we have the rare opportunity to get both candidates and their political parties to put their money where their mouth is by having a truly bipartisan effort to end job offshoing. Instead of both candidates and by extension, both parties accusing each other of promoting job outsourcing, let's see the electeds of both parties take immediate concrete steps to curb job offshoring. I want to see President Obama propose trade tariffs on imports to bring manufacturing and jobs back to the USA. I want to see Congress and the Senate write legislation to bring those tariffs to life. I want to see President Obama sign that legislation.
Rest assured, trade tariffs will bring jobs back to the USA in droves because no corporation wants to lose the American people as customers. Foreign corporations will even open factories here to avoid the tariffs only this time they will be paying decent wages because they will be competing with American owned corps. for workers. We will have jobs, jobs, jobs and the American dream will return. What's that? Do I hear murmuring from Republican and Democratic politicians that tariffs won't work because we live in a "global" economy? Well in that case, just keep signing those "free" trade agreements that gave away our jobs in the first place and we will assume that those political ads are just empty campaign rhetoric. We will then elect the customary lesser of two evils and use the next four years to grow an all powerful third party that really listens to working Americans! When internet White House correspondent Neil Munro interrupted President Obama a few days ago, I wasn't shocked by rudeness of his act, I was stunned by the hypocrisy of what he was saying. You've already heard his rant, now hear mine by visiting my Listen Here! page.
As we all know, most Congressmen and Senators get their marching orders from corporate lobbyists and turn a deaf ear to our needs and wants. Many of us feel that they can't be trusted to do the right thing for working people, the middle class and the poor. Our President stood up for us by vetoing a piece of legislation that had a nasty side effect. To hear about it, visit my Listen Here! page.
Mr. President, I am going to give you some unsolicited free advice. You were elected based on your campaign that pointed out many of the failures of the previous administration and some glaring shortcomings of the American system. When you point out a problem, the implication is that you are prepared to fix it. In other words, if you point it out, you own it.
Pointing out many of those problems can get you elected, but can also be like opening up Pandora's box. You have reminded and, in some cases awakened people to some major inequities in the American system: To the fact that two percent of the US population control most of the wealth. To the fact that banks and Wall Street had a party during the Bush administration. To the fact that our health care system sacrifices the heath of many of our citizens to allow others to profit. If you can't fix those problems, the Republicans and other Right Wing elements will use them against you. Right Wing talk show hosts have openly said that they want you to fail: You can guarantee failure by seeking a bipartisan solution to those issues. The Republicans will not profit by your success and are willing to take our country down the drain to get back in power. You can guarantee failure by seeking the approval of the Blue Dogs, they are Republicans dressed up as Democrats. You can guarantee failure by continuing to court the independent voter at the expense of the principals that got you elected in the first place. I am a Progressive Democrat and a Progressive radio talk show host, I want you to succeed. In case you don't realize it by now, we were your core supporters during your Presidential campaign. Out of necessity, you had to court unaffiliated voters and disgruntled Republicans. But, to be honest with you, what hurts us the most is when, in the name of bipartisanism, you classify us as the extreme left side of the political spectrum. The take away from this, for ALL Democrats is that you can't be all thing to all people and expect to get re-elected. |
AuthorHave you noticed that there's no one on Talk Radio who speaks for John and Jane Q. Public? I want to change that situation. When I go into the studio and get on the air, I say the things that you've always wanted to say. The big corporate interests have their lobbyists, I want to be your voice. Just think of me as your guy fighting for your interests. Proud To Be On:Archives
May 2017